Do you suffer from Food Intolerance?

Food Detective – Food IgG test with fast results

Could you be reacting to the foods you eat

  • Are you bloated after eating certain foods?
  • Tired at certain times of the day?
  • Suffer headaches for no apparent reason?
  • Have trouble sleeping?
  • Are you prone to weight fluctuations?

If the answer is yes, you may be reacting to certain foods in your diet. Sufferers frequently complain of lethargy or fogginess and a general feeling of being unwell. These reactions can be delayed for many hours or even days, and for this reason it is often difficult to identify the problem.

At the Pathway to Wellness Clinic we use a simple, safe, accurate and fast in-clinic test called Food Detective. Food Detective is performed within our clinic by obtaining a finger-prick sample of your blood and we test the sample for an IgG immune reaction against 59 commonly eaten foods.

If you test positive to any of the food groups we will provide professional, individualised advice on how we can assist you to become symptom free.

Treating the underlying cause of food intolerance, whilst removing the reactive food from your diet, can completely change your life! Contact us today to make a start on a happier and healthier you.